Shoes for Students

Our Shoes for Students program provides families with the opportunity to apply to receive a pair of shoes for each of their children before starting back to school in the fall.

Our 2024 Shoes for Students Program

We look forward to our 2024 Shoes for Students program on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 (2pm to 4pm).

To participate in this program, the student must attend one of the Bedford County Public Schools in grades K-12 (including Head Start). You can print and fill out the application for this program and bring it to an eligibility screening.

2024 Application for Shoes for Students

Eligibility screenings* for this program will be held at the Christmas Station on:

  • Saturday, July 13th, 2024 between 2pm – 4pm
  • Thursday, July 18th, 2024 between 11am – 1pm

*Families with children who were served during the 2023 Christmas Program (CSX) must attend a screening to register for this program.

*Families with children who were not served during the 2023 Christmas Program (CSX) must attend a screening and bring the following documentation.

Parents/Legal Guardians need to bring the following documentation when applying:

  • Photo ID (of the parent/legal guardian) (ID must also be brought to the event)
  • Recent pay stub or other income verification showing monthly income
  • Child’s birth certificate or insurance card
  • Proof of child custody may be required
  • Proof of school enrollment (a report card or letter/email from the school). If the child is home-schooled, bring documentation that the child is registered with Bedford County Schools as a home-schooled student.

*Be sure to measure your child’s feet before filling out the application! Shoes cannot be exchanged!

We were honored to provide brand-new shoes to 104 students heading back to school in 2023! Additionally, each of the 40 families that these students belong to received a bag of healthy snacks!

Thank you to everyone who gives to our organization through donationsgrants, and shopping our fundraising sales. Your monetary gifts allow us to bless children and families where it is most needed!

On August 3rd, we were honored to provide new shoes to 117 Bedford County children, through our Back to School Shoes for Students program. These children came from 47 individual families.

The families received a box of food that included, cereal, pasta, non-perishables, fresh fruit and vegetables, and a canned ham from our Year-Round food pantry.

Check out the WSLS-10 news story and article about this wonderful program!